Restaurant La Maréchalerie

Restaurant La Maréchalerie Restaurant La Maréchalerie Restaurant La Maréchalerie Restaurant La Maréchalerie Restaurant La Maréchalerie Restaurant La Maréchalerie Restaurant La Maréchalerie Restaurant La Maréchalerie

The restaurant La Maréchalerie has been in the Bastide of Castillonnès for 20 years and is a safe bet. Open all year round from Tuesday to Sunday, it offers local French cuisine based on products from the South West of France. The menu also includes a large choice of specialities depending on the season and the availability of products. The daily specials and the large mixed salads provided at lunchtime during the week are ideal for sales representatives, workers, travellers or families ... Welcome to Castillonnès!

Services, equipments and comforts

Air conditioned Coach parking Terrace Takeouts Catering

Means of payment

Payment cards - Cheques and postal orders - Chèques Vacances - Cash - Ticket restaurant

Practical informations

  • 1 Grand Rue